The mission of the Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electronics of the Poznan University of Technology is to carry out scientific research in the field of broadly understood electrical engineering, power electronics, and electronics, mechatronics, and electromechanical converters, light technology, measuring systems, as well as dynamically developing electromobility. The teaching activities of the IEEE are also related to the above-mentioned research areas. The main trends of research conducted at the Institute concern:
- analysis of coupled electromagnetic, thermal, ferrohydro-dynamic, and mechanical phenomena in electromechanical converters,
- analysis and synthesis of power electronic converters of medium power and high frequency,
- analysis and synthesis of power electronic converters of medium power and high frequency,
- research and modelling of energy storage used in electric vehicles and the power system,
- methods of designing new constructions of high-efficiency energy converters, in particular related to modern drives used, inter alia, in electromobility,
- processing of signals aimed at measurements of electrical and non-electrical quantities, including the assessment of the quality of electricity,
- extraction of bio-optical signals and thermovision measurements in diagnostics of electronic systems,
- designing sensory systems in medicine,
- methods of designing, modelling and testing modern lighting systems.
The Institute organizes several scientific conferences, including the International Symposium "Electromagnetic Phenomena in Nonlinear Circuits" and the conference devoted to "Applications of Computers in Electrical Engineering".