Office (office_iep@put.poznan.pl)
Institute of Electrical Engineering and Electronics
street: Piotrowo 3A (room.638)
60-965 Poznań
phone: +48 61 665 2388
Heads of Divisions:
Division of Theoretical and Applied Electrical Engineering
Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng. Andrzej TOMCZEWSKI
room: 637
phone: +48 61 665 2389
Division of Power Electronics and Control
Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng. Michał GWÓŹDŹ, Associate Professor
room: 619
phone: +48 61 665 2646
Division of Mechatronics and Electrical Machines
Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng. Wojciech PIETROWSKI
room: 651
phone: +48 61 665 2396
Division of Metrology, Electronics and Light Engineering
Ph.D., D.Sc., Eng. Grzegorz WICZYŃSKI
room: 520
phone: +48 61 665 2639