
Proposals of master diploma theses, full-time studies (SAAS, year 2021/2022):  Proposals of master diploma theses, full-time studies…

The Faculty of Computer Science and Telecommunications of the Poznan University of Technology received support from the National Agency for Academic…

AUTOMATIC CONTROL AND ROBOTICS Field of study Eng. exam M. Sc. exam Automatic Control  …

A diploma thesis is a result of a student’s independent scientific, artistic, and practical research or a technical and artistic achievement. It…

Activities aiming at improving programmes of studies and ensuring quality education at the Faculty of Automatic Control, Robotics, and Electrical…

Dates of meetings in academic year of 2021/2022 21 September 2021 9 November 2021…

 3rd place in the general classification of the European Robotics League for the team from the Poznan University of Technology.  Honorable…

  79 applications were submitted to the competition, including 69 for the Scholarship and 10 for the Scientific Award. By the decision of the…

The university was represented by the Rector, prof. Teofil Jesionowski, who chaired the panel "Does society need technical culture?". Polish…

 As part of the TWO FACES OF ONE FUTURE competition, the team of four designed the Dream Dormitory – Poznan Stairs. Team composition: Jakub…